11 June, 2006

Norten mixes up South Beach pedestrian promenade

Mexican architect Enrique Norten of Ten Arquitectos has designed a $70 million mixed-use development called Lincoln East, which will be located next to Miami Beach’s popular Lincoln Road pedestrian promenade.

The project—the first contemporary building on Lincoln Road—is part of Lincoln East Development Group’s efforts to restore the eastern section of Morris Lapidus’s Lincoln Road Mall. Norten’s concrete, steel and glass structure will be woven into the outdoor shopping area’s historical context. BEA International Architects are architects of record for the project.

The building will have a dramatic 54-foot-long cantilever and will include about 150 residential units ranging from 800 to 1200 square feet. The project will also include 10,000 square feet of retail space, 500 parking spaces, and a rooftop pool.

Glenn Boyer, director of development for Lincoln East Development Group, points to a wealth of development on the road, including Frank Gehry’s New World Symphony Theater, Norten’s new development, and the restoration of Lapidus’s mall. He says the area will become the “cultural and architectural center of Miami Beach.” Norton was also recently chosen to design the Guggenheim Museum branch to be built in Guadalajara, Mexico.


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