Leeds Approve Lumiere Skyscraper

The 54 and 32 storey two tower Lumiere project has been unanimously approved today by Leeds City Council's city centre planning panel, subject to routine and statutory conditions. The size and distant skyline appearance of the two towers were considered against the newly emerging council policy document on tall buildings in Leeds, which considers the pattern and location of clusters of tall buildings both existing and proposed, and the Lumiere towers fitted in well. Other positive factors that helped convince the planning panel was the experience already gained from the architect; the successful Ian Simpson architectural practice, which included a visit to the similar sized Beetham Tower in Manchester. Only finishes of the highest standard would be acceptable for a project of this size and stature, and the full height glazed screen cladding with subtle patterning to reflect nearby conservation area buildings was praised, as was the winter garden atrium connecting the two towers rising up to 6 floors in height in the middle, and an amendment to the cladding design of the shorter tower to provide a more faceted appearance. The single real area of controversy was the provision of 'affordable housing' within the scheme, which was accepted as below the normal proportion required due to the high build cost of building the towers. It was also uniquely agreed at 3 votes to 2, to provide the affordable housing in a third party development elsewhere in the city, to provide better value for money ie. more units than if they were in the towers with their much higher build cost. Developers K W Linfoot, are now on target to commence site clearance work later this year as main contractors tenders are in, the site programme is for 20 weeks for ground clearance and excavation, followed by a 156 week programme to build the two towers simultaneously. Once finished they will be the tallest two buildings in Leeds eclipsing the under construction 110 metre tall Bridgewater Place, by 61 and 2 metres respectively.
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