13 October, 2006

Berstein + Klotz unveil updated School of Economics building in Chile

The school of economics at the Diego Portales University is the recycling of two existing buildings, united by a new central body. It is located in the central area of the city, next to a motorway. The new building, both on the upper levels and the underground levels, behave as a juntion. The building has been separated in to two bodies, on the eastern side a building where people in the corridors can be seen clearly and with better acoustics in the lecture rooms. The coating on the western side is opaque, with small grooves, while on the eastern side it is wide open to capture the morning sun. The existing buildings have been coated by a skin of steel sheet corrugated with micro perforations that allow both an effect of opaque exterior and transparent interior. This has been implemented as an economic as well as a technical soution to the problem of the exterior uniformity.


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