13 October, 2006

Go-ahead for Gehry but last minute 'string' casts shadow of doubt

Brighton & Hove Council’s Policy and Resources Committee have supported the proposals for the redevelopment of the King Alfred site. Their backing to Gehry's plans for the £300m project will deliver a much needed enlarged £48m privately funded sports centre and a residential scheme of 751 homes, including the 276 affordable homes at a subsidy of £32m. However, a last minute amendment requesting the co-location of a number of the housing units brought the future of the development into question. Possible alternative sites are being investigated. The key changes at this stage include a redesign to address issues about massing and height of the perimeter buildings. The height of the buildings has been reduced by two storeys and now feature a curved roof and building profile to complement the sports centre design. The two towers has been refined and enhanced and have been increased in height by three storeys. The colour of the buildings has been changed to a white tone from the previous multi-colours and all the affordable homes now have a balcony. The new plans now include solar and wind energy, ‘green walls’ and extensive native wildlife friendly planting and vegetated shingle roofs – all designed to enhance the bio-diversity and local ecosystem.


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