Another Day Another Liverpool Tower

They say it never rains but it pours, and certainly around the docks of Liverpool this is becoming the case.Hot on the heels of the recently proposed 3a Princes Dock comes the planning application for the Queens Dock Tower. Designed by Champan Robinson for Lotta Properties the mixed use £15 million scheme contains a residential tower containing 118 apartments, plus a lower-rise block with an additional 11 flats, new shops and bars fronting on to Sefton Street. It will come in at 67 metres tall, or 68.5 if you count the fin that the tower is topped by. This architectural detail is a continuation of the zinc and glazed panels that will cover the building creating a varied façade of different shades.The massing of the development has been organised so that the tower is positioned on the southern portion of the site to reduce the visual impact that it can have from common views such as Sefton Street.This is the first tall proposed development directly at the south end of Queens Dock in Liverpool although the similarly sized Project X will also be in the immediate vicinity creating the foundation of what could be an entirely new cluster of tall buildings in Liverpool. With the land around the Princes Dock gradually being filled there are plenty of suitable parcels of land here such as the Norton Scrap Yard, also over the road from Queens Dock Tower. Construction here would open up the opportunity to create a central triangle of residential towers around the road junction, one on each side.Combined with plot values in general rising in the more traditional core area around the Beetham towers and Three Graces this end of Liverpool will become increasingly attractive as an alternative area where developers can build big whilst offering an alternative in a gentrifying area to purchasers without being stung by the rising prices in land.
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