London based CZWG and Holder Mathias Architects to regenerate former mining town market

As part of The major masterplan to regenerate the former mining town of Barnsley, CZWG, in liaison with Holder Mathias Architects have now been commissioned to rebuild Barnsley markets (first chartered in 1249) which comprises of 76,600 m2 retail and leisure, a market building, covered shopping streets, a cinema and bowling alley together with residential units. After clearing the site of an unsightly 60s shopping complex, the idea is to extend the existing shopping streets of the town, the new shops appearing as individual facades with upper level pavements threaded between them. Two pedestrian public spaces are linked by a covered open market under a spectacular saddle-shaped roof which also swoops low over an open amphitheatre connecting the three principal levels of the scheme. Work is set to complete by 2010.
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